Welcome to 2STiC
2STiC: Security, Stability and Transparency in inter-network Communication
AMS-IX, NDIX, NL-ix, NLnet Labs, Radboud University, SIDN Labs, SURF, TU Delft, the University of Amsterdam and the University of Twente work together in the joint research programme called 2STiC (pronounced "to stick"), which is short for Security, Stability and Transparency in inter-network Communication.
2STiC's goal is to develop and evaluate new or improved mechanisms that increase the security, stability and transparency of internet communications, both through extensions of today’s Internet as well as through emerging internet architectures, such as SCION, RINA, and NDN. Our long-term objective is to establish a collaborative research centre in the field of trusted and resilient Internet infrastructures that helps putting the Dutch and European networking communities in a leading position in the field.
We wrote a joint blog when we started back in 2019 in which we discuss our initiative in more detail, for instance in terms of 2STiC’s goals, motivation, timeliness and research topics.
Future events
In the future, we will attend the following events.-
Nov 2 2024
Nov 21 2024
2STiC news
December 2022
NL-ix and Radboud University joined 2STiC.
November 2021
TNO published their position paper “Future Network Services” (FNS), which they wrote with three mobile operators and the three technical universities in The Netherlands. The paper underscores the relevance of computer networks for the Dutch and European digital societies and the need for more research and experimentation. We very much welcome the FNS initiative and we’d be happy to contribute to advancing the breakthrough areas of programmable networks and trustworthy Internet architectures listed in Appendix A.
November 2021
Our paper on our P4 implementation of the SCION protocol at ACM CoNEXT 2021 was accepted! Read it here.
May 2021
We published our open source P4 implementation of the SCION protocol. Read more about our work here.
April 2021
Our proposal for the Controllable, Accountable, Transparent: the Responsible Internet (CATRIN) research proposal was accepted! This means that the participating universities will be able to hire 7 PhD students. Read more on NWO's website and our previous blog.
Click here for older news.
Contact us
Would you like to know more or participate? Then please contact us at info at 2stic dot nl.