SCION Testbed

The 2STiC SCION testbed, SCION-NL, is a testbed parallel to the 2STiC testbed to experiment with the SCION internet architecture. SCION is a novel approach to inter-domain networking focussing on security, reliability and trust. Currently SCION-NL can facilitate SCION connectivity to the testbed at SIDN Labs, SURF and University of Amsterdam to allow researchers and engineers to experiment or gain experience with the SCION protocols. Our services use the open source implementation which is developed by the SCION Association.

You can read more about our SCION activities in the articles below.

Figure 1. SCION nodes in the 2STiC testbed.

Experimenting with SCION

NetSys lab provides curated list of tools, libraries and software to help get you started with SCION.

On our SCION-NL we provide the following experimental services to try:

2stic.nl59-1140,2a00:d78:0:713:5054:ff:fed7:694dping, http, https2STiC website
-59-1140,2a00:d78:0:713:5054:ff:fed7:694dpingUvA border-router
-59-1103, border-router
-59-1124, border-router
-59-1124, end-host

Contact us

If you are interested in using or joining the SCION-NL testbed, please contact us at testbed (at) 2stic (dot) nl.

SCION articles by 2STiC members